Photo of Mark Anthony AC Mexico

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Born in Toluca, Mexico State, but that does not matter, my artistic biography begins when you enter high school wing was approximately 12 years that I started to visit the famous graffiti, I just scratched cartoons but one day it occurred to me to have my own style and that's how I started my training a few months and was well known in my neighborhood, then other colleagues came to me as they...

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See everything we offer you!
9.84 x 13.78 in
9.84 x 13.78 in
9.84 x 13.78 in
9.84 x 13.78 in
9.84 x 13.78 in
9.84 x 13.78 in
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Born in Toluca, Mexico State, but that does not matter, my artistic biography begins when you enter high school wing was approximately 12 years that I started to visit the famous graffiti, I just scratched cartoons but one day it occurred to me to have my own style and that's how I started my training a few months and was well known in my neighborhood, then other colleagues came to me as they to try my talent, I said t challenge, ba I said, we had k draw on the night of illegal walls the neighborhood, I'd never leave me and when m was challenged by the previous k Avian and lost with me, that was an achievement for me and so I was creating and detached styles emerged k till my interest in realism.

And not yet managed to be the best but something more motivated and I k Eskuela know, my talent was not taught and acquired in one class, I kreado, I think my style and talent to me I gained every day !!!!!

Well in my mind to and just a two things:

1 .- "art and beauty is in the eye" ... k is a phrase led me to discover my talent

2.-women .....

------ my crew.

A Lianza of

B oligrafo and

P apel

ABP zimplemente ... .. ? ? ...

estylo my, my way, my strokes are all Akella k dedikados epresian art, my paintings are not for sale and k lo k ago and a "thank you" is more than enough for me k! .......

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